BBA in Design Management

Admission Enquiry

    BBA in Design Management

    Design management is a field of inquiry that uses design, strategy, project management and supply chain techniques to control a creative process, support a culture of creativity, and build a structure and organization for design. The objective of design management is to develop and maintain an efficient business environment in which an organization can achieve its strategic and mission goals through design. Design management is a comprehensive activity at all levels of business, from the discovery phase to the execution phase. Design management encompasses the ongoing processes, business decisions, and strategies that enable innovation and create effectivelydesigned products, services, communications, environments, and brands that enhance our quality of life and provide organizational success. The discipline of design management overlaps with marketing management, operations management, and strategic management.


    90000/- per year


    3 Years

    Semester 1
    Semester 2
    Semester 3
    Semester 4
    Semester 5
    Semester 6

    Learning Outcomes